Running Buzzwords, Debuzzed
By Matt Brady
When I began running, I thought it would be easy. You lace up, jog, and repeat. Do that enough times and you’re ready for a race, right? Wrong! Running is so much more than just getting out there. There is a whole world of vocabulary that goes along with it. If you are new to running, you will want to know some words that runners will refer to.
Carb-loading: This is the process in which runners will eat a meal filled with carbs! This is usually done the night before race day. These carbs are used as energy during race day to keep you moving during those longer distances.
Corral: No, not coral. Even though it is spelled like the beautiful sea life in the ocean, it has quite a different meaning. A corral is what is used to separate runners during race day. Runners are typically placed in a corral based on their expected finishing time. The faster your expected time, the earlier corral you are assigned to.
Marathon: 26.2 of hard-earned miles.
Photo by Chancellor Humphrey
Pace: A minute-per-mile time. For example, I plan on running my marathon at a 9-minute-per-mile pace.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): This was a completely new thing for me when I began running. This is the process in which you run for a set distance at a fast pace. Then you give your body a brief break to recover. Then repeat! This can help improve oxygen and blood flow as well as build muscle.
Tempo Run: A training run in which you run at your expected race pace. If you plan to run a 9-minute-mile, this training run has you run at a 9-minute-mile.
Easy Run: A training run in which you run at a much slower pace where you can complete a run without feeling overly tired.
Although there is a long list of running buzzwords, these will help get you started! The more you engage in the running community, the more you’ll learn. Have fun, run safe, and enjoy your list of new running buzzwords!